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Email Marketing Statistics

The Facts and Figures

When it comes to email marketing, there are a lot of numbers and stats involved – open rates, click-through rates, bounce rates and more. Whether you’re sending a monthly newsletter to your most engaged customers or a flash promotion to a wider database, it’s important to acquaint yourself with benchmark stats so you can better gauge just how successful a subject line was or the persuasiveness of a section of copy. Email marketing is an incredibly powerful tool that can achieve cut-through on a completely different level to other forms of marketing like social media or print media). Driven directly into your audience’s inbox, being able to measure its performance and optimise accordingly is crucial. Without further ado, let’s take a look at the facts and figures you need to know for ultimate email marketing success.

Daily Email Users: 4 Billion

There are 4 billion daily email users, which is more than half of the world population – so yes, if you’re not reaching your customers via email, now might be the time to start. That’s more than double Facebook’s monthly active users, and more than 4 times Instagram’s monthly users. More importantly, this stat is expected to increase, with Statista estimating that by 2025 this figure will rise to 4.6 billion by 2025. Among these users, an average of 306.4 billion emails are estimated to be sent per day, so it’s important to think about how your comms will stand out against the masses. 

Average Click-Through Rate: 2.6%

As reported by Campaign Monitor and MailChimp, the average click-through rate for 2021 was 2.6%. Sounds low? Don’t panic – it’s actually pretty normal. Keep in mind that this statistic accounts for all emails that were sent out, including those that weren’t opened. A study across industries showed that Media and Entertainment emails tend to perform the best here, with click-through rates ranging from 3.6% on Campaign Monitor to 4.62% on MailChimp. So maybe consider making your email a little more ‘entertaining’.

Average Open Rate: 18%

As of 2020, the average open rate for emails was reported to be 18%, a drop from the 21% recorded by MailChimp in 2018. This means that marketers need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps when it comes to engineering great eye-catching subject lines to tempt opens. You can improve open rates by up to a whopping 82% by including personalisation in the subject line, and segmenting audiences to personalise emails further will increase open rates by up to 39%. Don’t forget to use emojis (where appropriate) – you may enjoy a 56% higher open rate.

Ideal Send Day: Fridays

The jury’s out – Fridays seem to consistently be the best day for your email comms to be sent out. Campaign Monitor’s tests showed that when it came to the highest click-through rates, click-to-open rates and email open rates, Fridays won out with 2.7%, 14.5% and 18.9% respectively. Marketers have a lot to learn from this it seems, as most emails are sent out on Thursdays (18%) and Tuesdays (17%).

Return On Investment (ROI): 42:1

Incredibly, the ROI for email marketing is an astronomical $42 for every $1 spent, as recorded by DMA and Litmus. If you want to take it even higher, Litmus also reports that brands can generate an ROI of up to 48:1 when including an A/B test in their emails. It’s much higher than other digital marketing channels – so how exactly can it be so high? The beauty of email marketing is that your spend is often limited to a flat monthly fee, rather than a cost per impression or cost per click like other marketing methods. This keeps your costs low while returns high by being able to achieve upsells or repeat sales from existing customers.

Not currently sending out email marketing or just need a little help? Don’t stress we’ve got you! Book a call today with the email and let us crank up your marketing strategy.

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