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How to Generate Leads With Your Digital Marketing

If your business is at a stage where you’re ready to expand your customer base, it’s time to turn your attention to lead acquisition, and one of the most strategically effective ways to do so – digital marketing. Let’s break down the 3 main methods of lead generation in the digital landscape, and hopefully inspire you to come up with your own innovative lead gen techniques for your business.


Who is it you’re trying to reach? What is the best platform on which to reach them? Which methods and mediums will resonate with them most strongly? These are all imperative questions to ask at the starting point – properly understanding who you’re talking to is crucial, before you start doing the talking. Think about your desired end goal with leads for your business as well – are you wanting to create a large pipeline of small clients that only need you for short-term work, or perhaps a low-quantity, high-quality pipeline of big fish that may take long-term nurturing?


In today’s market, it’s not enough to try and sell someone something without backing it up with substance – you first need to win them over with brand trust, and that’s achieved through showing them why your business is the one most deserving of their investment. That means demonstrating your credibility with high-value, engaging and informative content. Lead magnets like white papers, checklists, guides and other resources can be a great way to demonstrate this expertise and give potential customers a reason to see you as worthy of their dollar. Lead the way with thought leadership.


You should of course prioritise disseminating your expertise and attention to your clients, but don’t be afraid to show some when interacting with leads either. Nurture leads by creating a conversation on your social media, maintaining email newsletters and responding with care and consideration to private messages. Ask questions to get to know the types of audiences that are being drawn to your content, and be personal when responding to them directly. You never know when today’s LinkedIn follower could turn into tomorrow’s highest paying client.

Want to super charge your leads? Well, we can help! Book a call with our team today.

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