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Using AI for Marketing: 5 Things That You Must Avoid to Do

Ever since ChatGPT boomed at the beginning of 2023, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a buzzword and topic in many conversations, especially in marketing and business. 

It can’t be denied that AI offers great help for us -entrepreneurs and marketers- to get various jobs done. However, what most people don’t talk about is using AI for marketing carelessly will end up harming your brand’s profits and reputation. 

This is why it’s crucial to understand the trends in using AI for marketing. So ultimately, you can figure out what things you must avoid to keep your business away from risks and achieve optimal results.

Trends of Using AI for Marketing

Although the word has been incredibly popular recently, Artificial Intelligence is actually not a new thing. Take a look at GPS or biometric scans that have been around for a couple of years on smartphones. 

In essence, AI refers to computerised programs that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. With the ever-updating nature of technology, AI keeps evolving to be more helpful and practical in dealing with the daily tasks of humans as its users. 

Nowadays AI takes form in software and online tools, and generally, users only need to type a “prompt” or a set of orders on an AI platform before having the results delivered or automated in seconds. 

In a nutshell, the massive trends in using AI for marketing revolve around these functions:

  • SEO
  • Copywriting
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media
  • Stock Images
  • Graphic Design
  • Data Analysis

Risks of Using AI for Marketing

With its quick responses, versatile abilities, and wide options of platforms; the belief that AI can ease up business processes, increase working efficiency, and boost profits has become the talk of the town, everywhere!

While it’s partially true (when being used properly and strategically), and AI offers great help in marketing in many ways, the truth is that there are risks in using AI for marketing and business. 

These are only some notable risks that have suffocated many companies because of their carelessness and ignorance in using AI for marketing. 

5 Things to Not Do in Using AI for Marketing

Because of this, it’s insanely important for you to understand the 5 things to not do in using AI for marketing, so you can utilise AI to launch powerful marketing campaigns and still get away from the dangerous business risks. 

#1 Don’t Use It to Create Content

We get it, it’s the exact opposite of the common narrative that’s thrown in the air. But believe us, avoiding -or at least reducing- the use of AI for content creation is extremely beneficial for your brand’s social and website reputation.

AI-generated content (blogs, graphics, videos, voiceovers, etc.) is seen as inauthentic in the eyes of audiences. Nowadays, some people even harshly call them “brain rot” because AI content usually lacks context and clarity. 

Many search engines and social platforms have programmed algorithms to detect AI-generated content. If any of your content is flagged as AI-generated and unable to meet the requirements, it may result in your content not getting pushed to the surface and ranking lowly among others.

#2 Don’t Be Generic & Mediocre

Let us give you a real example for this one: try making logos on any AI logo maker websites.

After looking at the results thoroughly, you can tell that there’s only so much that AI can “creatively draw”, especially ones that are on the internet and free. It’s because AI can only execute as much as the data that’s stored, programmed, and trained on its codes.

This will end up making many brands feel similar and mediocre. Without real human touch and visions, any form of marketing aspects feel dull. No uniqueness, no emotions, no creativity.

#3 Don’t Neglect to Respect Privacy

It can’t be denied that one of the benefits of using AI for marketing is the ability to track and analyse customers’ behaviour on the internet. For us humans, they are interests and needs; but for AI, they are data.

If the data collection isn’t limited and overseen, don’t be surprised to see how many parts of your privacy would be breached, kept, and leaked by parties that you don’t even know exist. And sadly, this has happened to many of us.

#4 Don’t Forget to Check the Results

You might have experienced it: AI can be exaggerating and hallucinating. When getting prompts or tasks that go beyond their knowledge, often they make answers that are way too far from truth and reality.

Additionally, we dare to bet that real copywriters can easily spot when a product description is AI-generated. Why? Because the writing of AI tends to be generic, robotic, and insincere. Well, no wonder, right? It’s a program!

And one more thing, there are times when the server of AI platforms is down, which may erase all of our inputs and progress. Because of these reasons, always keep in mind to check the works of AI. 

#5 Don’t Rely Too Much

Above all, it’s important to not depend too much on AI, or technology in general. This world is run by you and us, humans. So upgrading the quality of and trust in ourselves is the most important thing to do. 

Because when AI can’t operate, or the platforms shut down, or a policy prohibits its use; we can still move forward with our own creativity and ideas. 

In the end, AI is just a tool that assists our tasks, but it can never replace authentic human touch.

Using AI for Optimal Marketing Results

By keeping the 5 things above in mind and avoiding them at all costs, you can achieve optimal results in using AI for marketing, as in:

  • High engagement and ROI rates
  • High ranking on online platforms
  • High trust in your brand’s reputation
  • And ultimately, high sales and profits

If you need assistance navigating and using AI for marketing while still keeping the human touch on all sides of your campaigns, feel free to give us a holler now!

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