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Why AI Won’t Replace Marketing Agencies

When people start thinking about AI (artificial intelligence) taking over jobs, they tend to freak out, fearing it’ll wipe out certain professions. Yeah, it happened to some copywriters, sadly, but don’t sweat it—AI isn’t likely to kick agencies and marketers to the curb anytime soon.

Yes, machine learning algorithms have advanced a great deal in recent years and can be used for certain tasks; however, marketers must understand how this technology works before they can even begin to consider using it. Plus – as you’re about to find out—the human touch is still unbeatable in the marketing niche. In this blog post, we’ll look at why marketing professionals don’t need fear being replaced by machines any time soon.

AI Makes the Lives of Marketers Easier—but it’s Only as Good as the Data we Give it

Patrick Tyers, Managing Director of Racket Agency, thinks that AIs will definitely come in handy: “AI will surely enhance our industries and work, boosting efficiency for us all. They provide quick access to the information we need, ramp up our accuracy and streamline our workday. Though impressive, it’s important to remember that AI only repurposes information that already exists—nonetheless, the benefits are clear.”

Anyone doesn’t want to hear a response from a robot

Pat says it best: “They don’t have the ability to critically or creatively think.” Let’s face it – brands have a tough time making a real connection with their audience. Marketing isn’t just about creating trendy posts—it’s about forming a real community with a human element that AI still can’t replicate completely. People will always crave an actual person behind their interactions, especially when building a genuine community.

Letting AI Take the Reins is a Risky Move

Here’s the thing, AI’s can be offensive, too. Letting them be in charge could end up spreading fake news or posting offensive content without even realising it—so it’s never a good idea to put your marketing on autopilot, but have human steer the ship instead.

Automates the manual to let you focus on bigger challenges

AI can only do so much without human input and attention to detail, especially when it comes to sticking to brand guidelines. But when you’re struggling with creativity, using AI for initial ideas can give you a jumpstart—this can help you fight against burnout and get more content produced quickly, so you can focus on more important strategic tasks.

Human Touch isn’t Going Anywhere

The truth? People want to connect with people. As Dayna, Racket’s Head of Delivery puts it, “There’s always an element in every marketing strategy, a kind of unique vibe, that comes from years of building relationships and hands-on experience – that’s something only we humans can nail.” 

People will always crave a personal touch when it comes to building a community through marketing. That’s why it’s crucial to have an actual human driving the interactions. Sure, you can teach AI to mimic your brand’s voice and tone, but there are still some major concerns to consider. Without a human touch, your insights could be off and your business decisions could suffer.

To Wrap up

AI may have advanced capabilities and even attempt to mimic human-thinking with its algorithms, but these advancements do not go near enough to replace the creative life-blood of a professional marketer. After all, what’s technology without creativity? Marketers understand how to create tangible solutions that drive customers back time and time again. Ignoring customer needs is a recipe for failure instead of success – something an AI cannot truly understand no matter how many days are algorithmically processed.

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