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Most Common Digital Marketing Questions

Answers From a Digital Marketing Agency to Your Most Frequently Asked Digital Marketing Questions

Here at Racket, we get questions all the time about what we do, whether that’s our recommended best practices, busting social media algorithm myths (is shadow banning really a thing?) or even advice on how to get your brand to the masses. We’ve compiled the most common questions and our comprehensive answers, so wonder no more – let’s get stuck into some digital marketing 101.

Which Metrics Should I be Paying Attention to?

With just a simple tap into your Instagram Insights, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the abundance of stats, graphs and numbers. Analytics dashboards these days, whether they be for your website, marketing campaigns, socials or more, are often flooded with a lot of data. It’s no surprise that many find it difficult to sift through and identify which numbers are worth paying attention to.

The answer? Get clear on your goals – if you’re worried about your business’s bottom line, then your follower count shouldn’t matter as much as your conversion rate. You might have an impressive follower list, but how many of your followers are actually buying your brand’s service or product? Conversely, you might be nurturing a great and engaged audience that regularly buys from you, but you’re ready to expand brand awareness and reach new audiences. Here is where you might start looking at your post impressions and reach.

How Much do I Really Need to Care About SEO?

The fact of the matter is, SEO is a marathon and not a sprint. Overnight results can’t be expected, and if that’s what you get, it’s probably best to take them with a grain of salt. SEO is best built slowly and steadily and is something that requires ongoing maintenance, especially because search engine algorithms are constantly evolving as well. What works well for SEO this year may have no effect next year. That’s why it’s imperative to see SEO as something you should always be running in the background – unless you’re doing an audit, it’s not a one-and-done strategy.

How do I Come up With Blog Content and Article Ideas?

There are a range of tools on the internet we recommend for generating content ideas that will not only resonate with your audience, but also deliver great results SEO-wise as well. Take a look at BuzzSumo or WooRank – both are services that will show you related keywords and topics to whatever phrase you input. Not only that, but you can view metrics on how those related keywords perform and even where they’re more popular – the conversation around cryptocurrency might be average on Instagram, but on Twitter the discourse is booming.

Another simple way to generate blog content is to look at your site’s FAQ page (if you have one – you should!) and extrapolate topics to write about from there. The origin story behind your brand, examples of how to use your product or service effectively, what customers can expect after purchase, the benefits of using your product or service, or even a ‘101’ list on your industry, or even a ‘101’ list on your industry (like this one!).

Didn’t answer your question? Book a call with our team and we would love to answer it for you!

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